Our privacy online depends a lot on the technology we use. So what better way to mark Data Privacy Day than to hear the latest in technology and policy from the people who have a deep understanding of how information gets transmitted and protected online?

Come to Google’s Washington, DC offices for a panel discussion about how privacy affects technology and vice versa. This discussion won’t linger on policy alone. Instead, it will focus on engineering and the mechanics behind the best practices of online privacy.

Kim Hart, Reporter, Politico

Peter Eckersley, Senior Staff Technologist, Electronic Frontier Foundation
Ed Felten, Chief Technologist, Federal Trade Commission
Ari Schwartz, Senior Internet Policy Advisor, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Alma Whitten, Director of Privacy, Product and Engineering, Google

Friday, January 28, 2011 
Panel begins at 10:00 AM 
Google DC 1101 New York Avenue, NW 2nd Floor
Entrance on Eye Street Washington, DC